The man behind the name...

Pronounciation: add-one-lam
Function: noun

When your name is simple enough to be said, but people continue to mispronounce it, what does one do? Does one simply change their name to suit the needs of those around them, or do they find some incredibly simple way of saying their name? That is exactly what Adwin Lam (**Note: pronounced AD-WIN) decided to do. Originally a less-known nickname from a friend, Adwin adopted Addone as part of him in order to help those who weren't able to say his name properly. By merging his last name with the simplified version of his first (even though it had one more character than the original), he created something that appeared small but will eventually grow to large proportions.

As a pass-time, Adwin started playing around with websites in his high school years. He started with a simple blog from Livejournal. Around the same time, he was briefly in a small band called AFH, as well as joining his friend to obtain a small piece of the vast web. AFH didn't last long, but the brief experience opened Adwin's eyes to the possibilities of the Internet, as well as his own aspirations.

He began recording small snippits of covers and also started writing some of his own material, some of which still hasn't seen the light of day in the public. Since then, he has progressed into writing rants, reviews and many of his bi-polar, psychotic posts on his blog, BlogONE. He has also taken deeper interests in music, photography, videography and design -- all of which he is continually trying to expand his skills in. Adwin often records and releases covers and original songs, as well as whichever recordings he has made of his various other musical worship teams (such as TC 06's Sycamore), on his blog (in the media section).

Adwin currently resides in Toronto, Ontario and is attending the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), for electrical engineering and management. Through his years in university, and his years to come in life, Adwin hopes that he can further expand his God-given musical talents and continue to be a blessing to others around him.

Adwin Lam - 2007