Media Music

[COVER] Casimir Pulaski Day

Avast, here be another cover recording, this time its Sufjan Stevens’ “Casimir Pulaski Day”. Arr, I be picking up speed on them eh? Looking forward to hearing Sufjan Stevens live on Thursday (:

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Life Media Music Woot

[COVER] My Heartstrings Come Undone

Remember when I shot this video? I was intending to do an audio recording with the different parts Ryan Clark and Demon Hunter had done…and now I finally have. It only took the Fourier Transforms of DSP to kill off any good-boy, studious manner I had left for today, and approximately one year to end my silence. Like I’ve stated so many times, this is one of my favourite Demon Hunter songs, and its pretty sweet how Clark wrote this to his wife, and was still able to convey some sort of Christian message. Song and lyrics are after the break, but original version (off Summer of Darkness) can be found on YouTube.

Christianity Life

A Testimony Through Music

The following post will be filled with my reflections on my faith. If you don’t like reading about this, feel free to stay tuned for a different post. Else, click on through.