Christianity Life

6/13/2010 Sunday

Of Alarm, Anti-Christ and BIG HOPE

2 Thes. 2:1-17

  • context: something stirring up the Thessalonians, received some sort of letter that makes them think Paul was talking about something contradictory (but he never did)
    • Paul writes new letter saying this is how he writes
  • wrong preliminary assumptions: 1) Paul is laying down list of events for end times 2) [missed] 3) conversing with book of Revelations

Correct Preliminary Assumptions:

  1. Paul is… addressing the unsettled/upset
  2. adding info to what is known
  3. doesn’t know any sign of when Day of Lord starts
  4. Paul ISN’T referring to Revelations: Thes letters were 50AD, Revelation was 90AD
  • what’s the alarm? Thessalonians thought Day of Lord came already!

Bighope 1:

  • CHILL! (v3)
    • 2 things you’d notice if you were in the Day of the Lord (cannot/no way/unless…)
      • as mentioned by Jesus: THE Defection (Matt 24:10-13)
        • related to revolt against God; something that will b every obvious when it happens
      • as mentioned in Daniel: THE man of lawlessness (Dan 7:25; Dan 8:25; Dan 11:36-37)

Bighope 2:

  • when this thing lets go it will be bad, but right now there’s a holdback (v6,7)
    • signs and wonders NOT the mark of a Christian
      • miracles and healing…man of lawlessness may have a lot of healing going on in order to deceive and drag you in
    • Rom 1:25; the lie that God isn’t God, and to have faith in anything but God

Bighope 3:

  • overthrow is certain (v8)
    • Jesus will overcome all

Bighope 4:

  • good hope (v13-17) “don’t you remember everything that has happened?…”
    • stand firm!
    • purpose of knowing Jesus is coming is to be encouraged and prepare self&others; not to live in fear
    • based on grace of God

Are you living in the Truth of Jesus, or living the lie of the world?

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