
Acts 12: God’s Sovereignty

I had the pleasure of visiting Harvest Durham this morning and joining them as they continued their series through Acts. Today was on Acts 12:1-17, specifically talking about God’s sovereignty and how He is in control at all times.

Read past the break to see some ultra brief notes, or visit Harvest Durham’s site for the sermon!

  1. He is in control even in your darkest hour (vv1-5)
    • in “peace times” we slack BUT early church saw it as preparation time and time for growth!
      • if you drift during peace, how can you expect to draw close during trials and darkness?
    • suffering doe snot necessarily mean you are being punished for sin
      • fellowship with God and fruitfulness is not, and does not mean, exemption from suffering
      • God is after our righteousness and sanctification; uses “chisel of suffering” to build you up and refine
  2. God is in control even in my final hour (vv6-11)
    • God will always show up and act at the exact time that He ensures is right
      • He will never be early nor late; <insert LOTR Wizard reference>
    • God can, and will, wait for our total brokenness and dependence on Him
  3. God is in control even in my weakest hour (vv12-17)
    • The group praying for Peter said one thing with their mouths in prayer, but believed another in their hearts (ie. prayed for rescue but believed Peter was already dead)
    • Even though the weakness of their faith is evident, God still showed up and worked
      • His sovereignty supersedes faith; faith is still important BUT His sovereignty greatly surpasses our faith…
      • Peter walked on water through faith, but still sank and needed saving
        • Jesus first picked Peter back up to save him, THEN rebuked him

Final words:
God’s sovereignty is our hope, courage and source of strength, so we can, and should, submit to Him.


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