
[HOW-TO] Restoring Improperly Quarantined Files By F-Secure

NOTE: Use this information at your own risk! Not all the steps here will necessarily restore files/folders deemed as viruses by F-Secure. I do not offer any additional support, and take no responsibility whatsoever if you actually unleash a real virus on your machine! Contact F-Secure directly if you require additional support.

UOIT uses F-Secure for our antivirus protection. While it gets the job done, sometimes we get really bloody annoyed by it. For instance, older installations were huge resource hogs which required us to run “net stop fsma” to kill the process!

Last night at my lab, F-Secure incorrectly detected my USB drive containing numerous viruses and subsequently “removed” 4-5 folders. When F-Secure does this (at least for folders), it creates a file in the 0xe format, which is F-Secure’s quarantine format (is this even the correct term? 😛 ). These files are named like DeletedFolder.0xe. On first glance, especially if you don’t have “Show Hidden” enabled, you’ll get a little emo about losing whatever you have lost. In fact, I have just mentioned the fix! It appeared that F-Secure simply hid my folders, while locking them  out and creating a flag for the specific folders on my drive. For example, the folder Kaela Kimura would be hidden and a KaelaKimura.0xe file would be created on the root of my drive.

Now, I know that folder doesn’t have any viruses…because it only contains audio files! So here’s an easy (and somewhat obvious) fix on how I restored the folder (and the files) on Windows 7:

  1. Edit your folder view settings to see hidden files/folders!
    • While looking at root in your drive, click Organize > Folder and Search Options
    • Click the View tab, and under “Hidden files and folders” click Show
  2. Un-hide affected folders/files!
    • Select all the folders you want to restore
    • Right-click on any of them and go to Properties
    • Uncheck the Hidden box and click OK
  3. Delete the 0xe files

If you run into a permissions issue where you can’t delete the 0xe files or un-hide the affected folders, run the net stop fsma command in Command Prompt. This will disable F-Secure; remember to re-enable F-Secure with net start fsma though!

Media UOIT Video

Ell, Eh? at EWB/DPS Acoustic Cafe 3/18/2010

Ell, Eh?
“Ell, Eh?” is a pseudo-side project of Luke Gregory and Adwin Lam (that’s me!). We formed up in time for the EWB/DPS acoustic cafe which happened on March 18, 2010 at UOIT. Read more about the night and view 4 videos of our closing set past the jump!

Media Music UOIT

EWB Acoustic Cafe 2010 preview

Luke Gregory and I practiced a bit more today for the EWB/DPS Acoustic Cafe happening on Thursday afternoon, and we even recorded a couple previews. We were practicing…so, there’s a few hiccups we’re working on, aside from actual hiccups.

NIN/Johnny Cash – Hurt

Deep Purple – Soldier of Fortune

EWB Acoustic Cafe
Thursday, March 18 5-8pm
UB Atrium
Tunes, free fair trade coffee/chocolate, poetry.